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Wine Tasting Menu for Feb 19th 2023

In a new blog series, I thought I would start sharing the menus I create for each wine tasting event since

A. they're always different

B. I get texts a month later, asking which cheese I bought and my memory is absolute mush.

I often buy the wines online because there is just no comparison when it comes to variety and volume. Please click on the links in the post to see a visual of these selections (not sponsored) but just note, I bought most of these items at Costco for this event and the prices will probably different if you purchase online.

Tasting Notes: Light Red Fruit

Dry, Light Bubbles

Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Wet Stone, Raspberry

Dry, Light Bodied, Medium Acidity

Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Raspberry, Citrus

Medium Dry, Full Bodied, Medium Acidity

Tasting Notes: Watermelon, Peach, Raspberry

Medium Dry, Light Bodied, Low Acidity

Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Melon, Peach, Raspberry, Citrus

Dry, Light Bodied, High Acidity

Cracker and Cheese Platter


Courtney Mansell
Courtney Mansell
Feb 20, 2023

Love this!! Kirkland goat cheese all day every day.

Nov 22, 2023
Replying to

It was so good!

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