In a new blog series, I thought I would start sharing the menus I create for each wine tasting event since
A. they're always different
B. I get texts a month later, asking which cheese I bought and my memory is absolute mush.
I often buy the wines online because there is just no comparison when it comes to variety and volume. Please click on the links in the post to see a visual of these selections (not sponsored) but just note, I bought most of these items at Costco for this event and the prices will probably different if you purchase online.
Tasting Notes: Light Red Fruit
Dry, Light Bubbles
Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Wet Stone, Raspberry
Dry, Light Bodied, Medium Acidity
Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Raspberry, Citrus
Medium Dry, Full Bodied, Medium Acidity
Tasting Notes: Watermelon, Peach, Raspberry
Medium Dry, Light Bodied, Low Acidity
Tasting Notes: Strawberry, Melon, Peach, Raspberry, Citrus
Dry, Light Bodied, High Acidity
Cracker and Cheese Platter

Love this!! Kirkland goat cheese all day every day.